I don’t know what I’m missing with FL and TX. FL has visible and financial impacts of climate change right now on every beach and every flood insurance statement. TX stands to benefit massively with every Tesla battery and EV sale and selling electricity to the rest of the nation if they’d ever connect their grid :-).

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This: "Talking about climate as an economic calculus is actually a winning message that has the added benefit of being true." The combination of insight, truth and wit make this one of the most worthwhile reads every week. (or week-ish :-)

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It would be interesting to see how the increase in lobbying tracks across industries. Did it go up across many, or a targeted few? Don't get me wrong, it's still horrible, but would be interesting to compare.

In Hannity's graphic, if there were a "national divorce" they would no longer be states, or maybe would, but in a different country, so WTH is he even saying?

Re: SVB, will there please be some pain for the dipsticks that made the decision to deposit in numbers that far exceeded the $250k insured limit? Maybe that extends to VC management that leaned on them too. Sure it's good to keep the businesses afloat, but there needs to be some pain.

Also, is it true that there were large stock sales by the CEO of SVB shortly before their crash? Gotta claw back as much of that kind of thing as possible.

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"SVB CEO Sold $3.6 Million in Stock (via a prearranged stock-trade plan) Days Before Bank’s Failure"

~Bloomberg, 3/10/2023 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-10/svb-chief-sold-3-6-million-in-stock-days-before-bank-s-failure

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It was interesting to find out that one of our bigger pension company here in Sweden divested from Swedish banks and has/had(?) around one billion dollar invested in SVB. Small world. Intertwined world.

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